Today In History

Enter month, day and year (optional) to view the history for that day!

Births   Deaths   Events
432   St Celestine I ends his reign as Catholic Pope
1214   1st battle of Bouvines - King Philips II vs Emperor Otto IV
1230   Treaty of San-Germano between Emperor Frederik II & Pope Gregory IX
1280   Sogen Mugaku, founder of Engakuji temple arrives in Japan from China
1298   Albert I, son of Rudolf of Habsburg, crowned Holy Roman Emperor
1298   Roman Catholics German King Albrecht I von Habsburg installed
1360   Danish King Waldemar IV destroys Visby Gotland
1365   Isabella of England marries Enguerrand of Coucy at Windsor
1501   Copernicus formally installed as canon of Frauenberg Cathedral
1563   French army recaptures Le Havre
1586   Sir Walter Raleigh brings 1st tobacco to England from Virginia
1641   Prince Frederik Henry captures castle of Gennep
1643   Cromwell defeats Royalist at Battle of Gainsborough
1655   Jews of New Amsterdam petition for a Jewish cemetery
1655   Netherlands & Brandenburg sign military treaty
1661   Parliament confirms Navigation Act
1663   English parliament accepts Staple Act
1689   Battle of Killicrankie, Viscount Dundee defeats Whig General MacKay
1689   Jacobite Scottish Highlanders defeat royal force at Killiecrankie
1694   Bank of England granted 12 year charter by Act of Parliament
1713   Russia & Turkey sign peace treaty
1714   Battle at Hang” (Hangut): Russians beat Swedish fleet
1714   English Queen Anne fires premier Robert Haley
1789   Congress establishes Dept of Foreign Affairs (State dept)
1794   Coup of thermidor/fall of Robespierre in Paris
1795   Spain & France sign peace treaty
1809   Battle at Talavera: British/Spanish army vs French army
1816   US troops destroy Ft Apalachicola, a Seminole fort, to punish Indians for harboring runaway slaves
1830   Revolution breaks out in Paris, opposing laws of Charles X
1836   Adelaide, South Australia founded
1837   US Mint opens in Charlotte, NC
1839   Chartist riots break out in Birmingham England
1844   Fire destroys US mint at Charlotte, NC
1861   Battle of Mathias Point, VA - Rebel forces repel a Federal landing
1861   Battle of St Augustine Springs, NM Terr
1861   Confederate troops occupy Fort Fillmore, New Mexico
1861   Union Gen George McClellan takes command from McDowell of Potamic Army
1862   Hurricane hits Canton; about 40,000 die
1862   Steamer "Golden Gate" burns & sinks off west coast of Mexico
1864   Battle of Darbytown, VA (Deep Bottom, Newmarket Road) (Strawberry Plains)
1866   Atlantic telegraph cable successfully laid (1,686 miles long)
1880   A P Abourne patents a process for refining coconut oil
1880   Battle of Maiwand, at which Dr Watson is wounded, breaks out
1888   Philip Pratt unveils 1st electric automobile
1891   Titus van Wyck succeeds M de Savornin Lohman as gov of Suriname
1897   14.75" (37.5 cm) of rainfall, Jewell, Maryland (state 24-hr record)
1897   Dutch govt of Pierson/Goeman Borgesius resigns
1898   Start of Sherlock Holmes "Adventure of Dancing Men" (BG)
1909   Orville Wright tests 1st US Army airplane, flying 1h12m40s
1913   Belgian Philippe Thys wins Tour de France
1914   Roda JC soccer team forms in Kerkrade
1918   Socony 200, 1st concrete barge in US, launched to carry oil, NY
1919   Chicago race riot (15 whites & 23 blacks killed, 500 injured)
1920   Radio compass used for 1st time for aircraft navigation
1920   Resolute beats Shamrock IV (England) in 14th running of America's Cup
1921   2nd govt of Ruijs de Beerenbrouck forms
1921   Frederick Banting & Charles Best isolates insulin at U of Toronto
1922   International Geographical Union forms in Brussels
1924   8th Olympic games closes in Paris
1927   Major Bernard Montgomery (29) marries widow Betty Carver
1927   Mel Ott, 18, hits his 1st league home run (inside the park)
1928   AVRO, General Vereniging Radio Omroep, forms
1929   Dike of Wieringermeerpolder finished
1930   Andr‚ Leducq wins Tour de France
1931   Chilean president Carlos Ib ¤ez forced out
1931   Grasshoppers in Iowa, Nebr & SD destroyed thousands of acres of crops
1932   Paul Gorgoulov, French president Doumer's assassin, sentenced to death
1934   French socialist/communist party of People's Front forms
1935   Floods at Yangtzee Jiang & Hoangh, kills 200,000
1937   32nd Davis Cup: USA beats Great Britain in Wimbledon (4-1)
1940   Billboard magazine starts publishing bestseller charts
1940   Bugs Bunny debuts in "Wild Hare"
1941   103øF highest temperature ever recorded in Cleveland in July
1941   German army enters Ukraine
1941   Japanese forces land in Indo-China
1943   772 British bombers attack Hamburg
1944   1st British jet fighter used in combat (Gloster Meteor)
1944   Soviet Army frees Majdanek concentration camp
1944   US regains possession of Guam from Japanese
1944   US troops occupy le Mesnil-Herman/Hill 183 Normandy
1945   Cubs purchase pitcher Hank Borowy from NY Yankees
1945   US Communist Party forms
1946   Boston Red Sox Rudy York hits 2 grand slams in 1 game, gets 10 RBIs
1947   Yogi Berri starts record 148 game errorless streak
1948   Australia set 404 to win v England at Headingley
1948   Bradman's 29th & last Test Cricket century, part of winning 3-404
1948   Otto Skorzeny escapes anti-nazi camp at Darmstadt
1949   1st jet-propelled airline (De Havilland Comet) flies
1950   Pres Truman promises aid to Taiwan
1952   Emile Zatopek runs Olympic record marathon (2:23:03.2)
1953   1st insulin isolated by F Banting & C Best in Toronto
1953   Dizzy Dean, Al Simmons Chief Bender, Bobby Wallace, Harry Wright, Ed Barrow, & Bill Klem & Tom Connolly are inducted into Hall
1953   North Korea & UN sign armistice
1953   Vatican disallows priest holiday work in factory
1954   36th PGA Championship: Chick Herbert at Keller GC St Paul Minn
1954   Armistice divides Vietnam into two countries
1955   Austria regains full independence after 4-power occupation
1955   Bulgaria shoots down a plane heading for Israel (58 die)
1955   Israeli passenger plane shot down above Bulgaria, 58 die
1956   Jim Laker takes 9-37 in Australia's 1st innings at Manchester
1957   St James' Theater in London closes
1958   Louise Suggs wins LPGA French Lick Golf Open
1959   Abbas Ali Baig scores 112 for India v England on debut
1959   William Shea announces he plans to have a baseball team in NYC in 1961
1960   VP Nixon nominated for pres at Republican convention in Chicago
1962   Mariner 2 launched to Venus; flyby mission
1962   Martin Luther King Jr jailed in Albany Georgia
1962   USSR performs nuclear Test at Novaya Zemlya USSR
1963   Fritz Von Erich beats Verne Gagne in Omaha, to become NWA champ
1963   General Amin al-Hafez becomes president of Syria
1965   Pierre Harmel forms Belgium govt
1965   Pres Johnson signs a bill requiring cigarette makers to print health warnings on all cigarette packages about the effects of sm
1967   Arabs Federation premier Hoesein Al Bayoomi resigns
1967   Helmond Sport soccer team forms
1967   LBJ sets up commission to study cause of urban violence
1967   US performs nuclear Test at Nevada Test Site
1968   Carol Mann wins LPGA Supertest Canadian Golf Open
1968   Race Riot in Gary Indiana
1969   15th LPGA Championship won by Betsy Rawls
1969   Pioneer 10 launched
1970   Expos beat White Sox 10-6 in the annual Hall of Fame game
1970   France performs nuclear Test at Muruora Island
1970   L Boudreau, Earle Combs, Ford Frick, & Jesse Haines enter Hall of Fame
1972   NHL star Maurice "Rocket" Richard signs with WHL Quebec Nordiques
1973   40th NFL Chicago All Star Game: Miami 14, All Stars 3 (54,103)
1973   Walter Blum becomes 6th jockey to ride 4,000 winners
1974   House Judiciary Committee votes 27-11 recommends Nixon impeachment
1974   Kanhai & Jameson add 465 for 2nd wicket, Warwickshire v Gloucs
1975   Carol Mann wins LPGA George Washington Ladies Golf Classic
1976   8.2 Tangshan earthquake kills estimated 240,000 Chinese
1976   Japanese ex-premier Tanaka arrested (Lockheed Affair)
1977   John Lennon is granted a green card for permanent residence in US
1978   Indians Duane Kuiper is 3rd to hit 2 bases-loaded triples (vs Yanks)
1978   Portuguese pres Eanes fires premier Soares
1979   "Broadway Opry '79" opens at St James Theater NYC for 6 performances
1979   France performs nuclear Test
1980   Palestinian throws hand grenade on Jewish children in Antwerp, 1 dead
1980   Sally Little wins LPGA WUI Golf Classic
1982   Calif catches A's Rickey Henderson stealing 3 times
1982   Indian PM Indira Gandhi 1st visit to US in almost 11 years
1982   Menken & Ashman's musical "Little Shop of Horrors," premieres in NYC
1983   104«øF (40.3øC) in Garmersdorf (German record)
1983   Gaylord Perry joins Nolan Ryan & Steve Carlton to reach 3,500 career strikeouts this season, he also wins his 1st game as a Roy
1984   Reds' Pete Rose collects record 3,053rd career single (vs Phila)
1985   Steve Cram runs world record mile (3:46.78)
1986   14th du Maurier Golf Classic: Pat Bradley
1986   24th Tennis Fed Cup: USA beats Czechoslovakia in Prague Czech (3-0)
1986   Greg Lemond is 1st American to win Tour de France
1987   John Demjanjuk, accused Nazi "Ivan the Terrible" testifies in Israel
1987   Salt Lake City Trappers lose 7-5 to Billings Mustangs, ending their professional-record winning streak at 29 consecutive
1988   Boston's worst traffic jam in 30 years
1988   General Sein Lwin succeeds Ne Win as pres of Burma
1988   Radio Shack announces Tandy 1000 SL computer
1988   Tommy John commits rec 3 errors on 1 play as Yanks rout Brewers 16-3
1989   Atlanta Brave Dale Murphy is 10th to get 6 RBIs in an inning (6th)
1990   Graham Gooch scores 333 v India at Lord's
1990   Tom Moody scores 100 in 26 mins in county cricket, world record
1990   White-Russia declares independence
1990   Zsa Zsa Gabor begins a 3 day jail sentence for slapping a cop
1991   Rocker Jani Lane, (Warrant-Cherry Pie) marries model Bobbie Brown
1991   TV Guide publishes it's 2000th edition
1992   Astros begins 26-game road trip to make room for Rep Natl Convention
1992   Dimitri Lepikov, Vladimir Pychenko, Veniamin Taianovitch & Evgueni
1992   Sadovyi swim world record 4x200m freestyle (7:11.95)
1993   Detroit Tiger Fryman hits for cycle but loses 12-7 to Yankees
1993   Javier Sotomayor jumps world record 2.45 m high
1993   Mafia bombs historical buildings in Rome/Milan/Vatican City, 5 killed
1993   NBC TV awarded 1996 Olympic coverage for $456 million
1993   NY Met Anthony Young wins ending his losing streak at 27 games
1996   Bomb explodes at Atlanta Olympic Park, 1 killed, 110 injured
1996   David Sales makes 210 on 1st class cricket debut for Northants v Worcs
1997   "Candide," closes at Gershwin Theater NYC after 103 performances
1997   "Victor/Victoria" closes at Marquis Theater NYC after 738 performances
1997   Detroit Tigers retire pitching great Hal Newhouser's #16
1997   Franklin Quest Senior Golf Championship
1997   Stewart Cink wins golfs Greater Hartford Open (267)
1997   Tammie Green wins Giant Eagle LPGA Classic

1452   Ludovico Sforza [il Moro], Italian duke of Milan (1494 . .1500)
1502   Pier Francesco Corteccia, composer
1518   Elizabeth Talbot, countess of Shrewsbury/builder of country houses
1609   Heinrich Pape, composer
1612   Murad IV, sultan of Turkey (1623-40)/conquered Baghdad
1625   Edward Montagu, England
1667   Jean Bernoulli, mathematician
1734   Jakob Zupan, composer
1741   Fran‡ois-Hippolyte Barthelemon, composer
1768   Charlotte Corday d'Armont, murdered Jean-Paul Marat in bath
1777   Thomas Campbell, poet (Hohenlinden, Battle of the Baltic)
1781   Mauro Giuseppe Sergio Pantaleo Giuliani, composer
1784   Andr‚-Georges-Louis Onslow, English/French composer (chamber music)
1801   George Biddle Airy, 7th Astronomer Royal
1802   Benedikt Randhartinger, composer
1812   Thomas Lanier Clingman, Brig General (Confederate Army), died in 1897
1820   John Franklin Farnsworth, Brig General (Union volunteers)
1824   Alexandre Dumas fils, France, playwright/novelist (Camille)
1835   GiosuŠ Carducci, Italy, poet (Nobel 1906)
1840   Ranald Slidell Mackenzie, Bvt Major General (Union volunteers)
1848   Roland baron E”tv”s, Hungarian physicist
1848   Vladimir de Pachmann, painter
1857   Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge, orientalist/museum curator
1857   Jos‚ Celso Barbosa, Puerto Rico, found Federalist Party in 1900
1867   Enrique Granados, L‚rida Spain, composer (Maria del Carmen)
1870   Joseph Hilaire Pierre Belloc, England, author (Path to Rome)
1872   Stanislav Binicki, composer
1877   Ern” [Ernst von] Dohn nyi, Hungary, composer (Msg to Posterity)
1878   Jean F van Royen, Dutch German secretary (PTT)
1878   Th to de Weeme, painter
1879   Francesco Gaeta, Italian poet (Il Libro Della Giovinezza)
1880   Donald Crisp, Scotland, actor (How Green Was My Valley, Pollyana)
1880   Joseph Tinker, baseball Hall of Famer, 1/3 of fame double play combo
1881   Hans Fischer, German physicist (Nobel 1930)
1890   Judith Lowry, Ft Sill OK, actress (Effect of Gamma Rays ...)
1894   Gerald F Bogan, US vice-admiral (WW II-Pacific Ocean)
1898   Audley Moore, civil rights activist, humanitarian [Queen Mother]
1899   Harl McDonald, near Boulder Colorado, composer (Santa F‚ Trail)
1899   Perc Hornibrook, Australian cricket left-arm bowler (20's)
1900   Charles Vidor, Budapest Hungary, direct (Rhapsody, Gilda, Cover Girl)
1900   Hans Haug, composer
1903   Clive Martin Douglas, composer
1903   Nikolai Cherkasov, St Petersburg Russia, actor (Ivan the Terrible)
1904   Agnes Yarnall, sculptor, artist, author laa, 1987
1904   Anton Dolin, [Patrick Healey-Kay], dancer (Girl From Petrovka)
1904   Kenneth Tompkins Bainbridge, physicist
1906   Leo Durocher, Mass, baseball manager (Brooklyn Dodgers, NY Giants)
1907   Denis Rickett, private secretary to Clement Attlee
1907   Mollie Doreen Phillips, British figure skater/judge (Olympics 1932,36)
1908   Lord Jenkins of Putney, British MP of Arts (Labour)
1909   Gianandrea Gavazzeni, conductor
1910   Bea Marcia Anastasia verbrook Christoforides, writer
1910   Julien Gracq, [Louis Poirier], French writer (Andr‚ Breton)
1911   Wilfrid Ewart Oulton, airman
1912   Hilde Domin, writer
1912   Igor Markevitch, Kiev Ukraine, conductor (Le Paradis Perdu)
1912   Vernon Elliott, musician/composer
1913   Eva Jones, poet/novelist
1913   Mary Green, headmistress (Kidbrooke School)
1913   Vittorio Sereni, Italian poet (Diario d'Algeria)
1915   Jack Iverson, Australian cricket mystery spinner (late 40's)
1916   Asfa Wossen, Crown prince of Ethiopia/son of emperor Haile Selassi
1916   Elbert "Skippy" Williams, tenor Sax player
1916   Kennan Wynn, NYC, actor (Dr Strangelove, Absent Minded Professor)
1916   Siegfried Reda, composer
1917   John Cunningham, executive director (British Aerospace)
1917   Moses Rascoe, blues Singer
1917   Robert Cowans, executive director (British Aerospace)
1918   Eero Aukusti Sipila, composer
1918   Leonard Rose, Washington DC, concert cellist (NY Phil 1943-51)
1920   Beatrice Pearson, Dennison Texas, actress (Moving Finger)
1920   James Munn, commissioner (British University)
1922   Adolfo Celi, Sicily Italy, director (Next Man, Murders in Rue Morgue)
1922   Bob Thiele, record producer
1922   Lillian Hayman, Balt Md, actress (Leslie Uggams Show)
1922   Norman Lear, TV writer/producer (All in The Family)
1924   Otar Vasil'yevich Taktakishvili, composer
1924   Vincent Canby, critic (NY Times)
1925   Doc Pomus, rocker
1926   Peter Coker, captain
1928   Sakari Mononen, composer
1929   Harvey Fuqua, rock vocalist (Moonglows-Sincerely)
1929   Jack Higgins, [Harry Patterson], novelist
1929   Marc Wilkinson, composer
1930   Ronald Dearing, chairman (British Post Office)
1930   Shirley Williams, co-founder (Social Democratic Party)/labour minister
1931   Jerry Van Dyke, Danville Ill, actor (My Mother the Car, Coach)
1932   Beverly B Byron, (Rep-D-MD, 1979- )
1932   Curnick M Ndlovu, Jailed South Africian worker's union leader
1932   Marguerite Empey, [Diane Webber], LA CA, playmate (May 1955, Feb 1956)
1932   Robert Cowan, CEO (Highlands & Islands Enterprises)
1933   Nick Reynolds, rocker (Kingston Trio-Scarlet Ribbons)
1933   Roger Harris, cricketer (NZ opening batsman vs England 1959)
1934   John Pardoe, CEO (Sight & Sound Education)/Liberal MP
1937   Anna Dawson, British comedienne (Violet-Keeping Up Appearances)
1937   Chuck Jackson, Latta SC, singer (Any Day Now, I Don't Want to Cry)
1937   Don Galloway, Brooksville Ky, actor (Arrest & Trial, Ironside)
1937   Robert Gibb, zoo/theme park creator
1938   Shirley Anne Field, England, actress (Alfie, War Lover) [or Jun 27]
1939   Irv Cross, NFL sportscaster (CBS-TV)
1939   James McGee, pathologist/professor (Morbid Anatomy at Oxford)
1939   James Victor, Puerto Rico, actor (Boulevard Night, Streets of LA)
1941   Johannes Fritsch, composer
1942   Barbara Ferris, London England, actress (Nice Girl Like Me)
1942   John Pleshette, NYC, actor (Richard-Knots Landing, 7th Avenue)
1942   Robert Arthur Thornbury Campbell, journalist/musician
1943   Al Ramsey, NJ, rocker (Gary Lewis & the Playboys-This Diamond Ring)
1943   Bill Bradley, Crystal City Mo, NY Knick/(Sen-D-NJ)/Rhodes scholar
1943   Stu Gilliam, Detroit, actor/comedian (Roll Out, Harris & Company)
1944   Aleksandr Ivanovich Dedkov, cosmonaut
1944   Bobbie Gentry, Mississippi, singer/songwriter (Ode to Billy Joe)
1946   Gwynne Gilford, LA Calif, actress (Linda Harris-Waverly Wonders)
1946   Ricardo Anasagasti, [Ricardo M Meul], Cura‡ao, dancer/actor
1946   Toktar Ongarbajewitch Aubakirov, Kazakhstan, cosmonaut (Soyuz TM-13)
1947   Betty Thomas, St Louis Mo, actress (Lucy Baines-Hill Street Blues)
1947   Wayne Dowdy, (Rep-D-MS, 1981- )
1948   Henny Vrienten, Dutch bassist/singer (Doe Maar)
1948   Peggy Fleming Jenkins, San Jose Calif, figure skater (Olym-gold-1968)
1949   David Muse, rocker (Firefall)
1949   Jeremy Thomas, actor (Family Life)
1949   Maureen McGovern, Youngstown Oh, singer (Got To Be a Morning After)
1950   Michael Vaughn, rocker (Paper Lace)
1950   Simon Jones, Willshire England, comedian (News is the News)
1951   Janet Eilber, Detroit Mich, actress (Hard to Hold, Romantic Comedy)
1953   Wim G J M van de Camp, Dutch 2nd Chamber member (CDA)
1955   Allan Border, cricket captain (Australia)
1957   Gezina E "Liesbeth" van Apeldoorn, Dutch actress (Composer)
1957   Hansi Muller, skier
1958   Christopher Dean, Olympics skater (Torvill & Dean/Olympic-gold-1984)
1959   David East, cricketer
1960   Christina Singer, Geoppingen Germany, tennis star
1960   Jo Durie, England, tennis player
1960   Reinaldo de Carvalho, carnival King
1961   Daniel C Burbank, Manchester Ct, Lt cmdr USCG/astronaut
1963   Jason Buck, WLAF defensive end (Scottish Claymores)
1967   Craig Wolanin, Grosse Pointe, NHL defenseman (Colorado Avalanche)
1967   Emiel van Eijkeren, soccer player (FC The Hague/NEC)
1967   Jeff Novak, NFL tackle (Jacksonville Jaguars)
1967   Julian McMahon, actor (Ian Rain-Another World, John Grant-Profiler)
1967   Neil Smith, cricketer (Warwickshire & England A all-rounder)
1967   Sasha Mitchell, LA Calif, actor (Spike of Bensonhurst)
1968   Christina Singer, Goeppingen Germany, tennis star (1991 Futures GBR)
1968   Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Messina Sicily, actress (Postman)
1968   Tom Goodwin, Fresno CA, outfielder (KC Royals)
1969   Jason Woolley, Toronto, NHL defenseman (Florida Panthers)
1969   Linda Burgess, WNBA forward (LA Sparks)
1970   Jennifer Lopez, actress (Selena)
1970   Tom Europe, CFL defensive back (Montreal Alouettes)
1971   Brennon James Dowric, Australian gymnast (Olympics-92, 96)
1972   Alph Browning, NLF/WLAF receiver (Redskins, Barcelona Dragons)
1972   Bryce Bevill, CFL defensive back (Saskatchewan Roughriders)
1972   Clint Robinson, Brisbane QLD Australia, K-1 1k canoeist (Oly-bron-96)
1973   Amy Linn Duncan, Oklahoma City Oklahoma, Miss America-Oklahoma (1997)
1973   Niki Jenkins, Selkirk Manitoba, 72 kg judoka (Olympics-gold-96)
1973   Sami Alalampi, WLAF receiver (Barcelona Dragons)
1975   Alex Rodriguez, NYC, shortstop (Seattle Mariners)
1976   Mwadi Mabika, WNBA guard/forward (LA Sparks)
1977   Jason Michael Zimbler, Queens NY, actor (Clarissa Explains it All)

82   St Joseph of Arimathea, dies
432   Celestine I, Italian Pope (422-32), dies
916   Kliment/Clemens van Ohrid, Bulgaria bishop of Ohrid/saint, dies
1101   Koenrad, RC-German king (1087-98), dies
1128   Willem van Normandia, earl of Flanders, dies in battle
1214   Eustaes van Machelen, Flemish knight, dies in battle
1214   Stefan van Longchamp, French knight, dies in battle
1227   Otto II van Lippe, bishop of Utrecht (1216-27), dies
1233   Ferrand of Portugal, earl of Flanders, dies at 45
1498   Vespasiano da' Bisticci, Italian book seller/writer, dies at about 77
1638   Johan VIII de Jongere, count of Nassau-Siegen, dies in battle at 54
1675   Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne Vicomte de Turenne, gen (France), dies
1689   John Graham, of Claverhouse, 1st viscount Dundee/soldier, killed, dies
1720   Johann Samuel Welter, composer, dies at 69
1759   Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, biologist/astronomer, dies at 60
1777   William Hayes, composer, dies at 69
1783   Johann Philipp Kirnberger, German music theroist/violist, dies at 62
1811   Miguel Hidalgo y Castilla, Mexican priest/freedom fighter, executed
1822   Joseph Supries, composer, dies at 60
1828   Gilbert Charles Stuart, painter, dies
1833   Bartolommea Capitanio, Italian monastery founder/saint, dies at 26
1841   Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov, poet/novelist, dies
1844   John Dalton, Engl physicist/chemist (molecular theorist), dies at 77
1864   Margaret E Breckinridge, US nurse/daughter of VP John, dies
1881   Johann Christian Lobe, composer, dies at 84
1883   Albert Franz Doppler, composer, dies at 61
1883   Montgomery Blair, lawyer (Dred Scot V Sandford), dies at 70
1916   Charles Fryatt, British capt of SS Brussels, executed by Germans, dies
1921   Engelbert Humperdinck, composer, dies at 66
1924   Ferruccio Benvenuto busoni, pianist/composer, dies
1924   Ferruccio Dante Michelangelo Benvenuto Busoni, composer, dies at 58
1934   Louis HG Lyautey, French minister of Defense (1916-17), dies at 79
1942   William Matthew Finders Petrie, Egyptologist, dies
1943   Godfrey Cripps, cricketer (1st Currie Cup-winning captain), dies
1943   H B G Austin, cricketer (capt of 1923 WI team to England), dies
1944   Victor Jean Leonard Vreuls, composer, dies at 68
1946   Gertrude Stein, US/Fren author/poet (Ida, Tender Buttons), dies at 72
1948   Francesco Spetrino, composer, dies at 91
1952   Roland Pope, cricketer (Test for Australia 1885), dies
1952   W de Basil, [US Voskresenski], Russia, ballet dancer, dies
1956   J M M Commaille, cricketer (12 Tests for S Africa 1910-28), dies
1960   V sa Pr¡hoda, Czech violinist, dies at 59
1961   Theodore Chanler, composer, dies at 59
1962   Edward Godfrey Richard Aldington, novelist/biographer, dies
1962   Richard Adlington, writer, dies at 70
1968   Anton van Duinkerken, [Willem J M A Asselbergs], literary, dies
1968   Lillian Harvey, actress (Invitation to the Waltz), dies at 61
1970   Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, dictator of Portugal (1932-68), dies
1971   Bernhard Paumgartner, Austrian conductor/composer, dies at 83
1974   Lightning Slim, blues singer (Nothing But the Devil), dies at 61
1976   Ray Brennan, becomes 1st to, die of "Legionnaire's Disease"
1978   Aasan Ferit Alnar, composer, dies at 72
1978   [John] Willem van Otterloo, conductor/composer (Symphonic), dies at 70
1979   Ettore Manni, actor (Street People, Divine Nymph), dies at 52
1979   Shirley Mason, actress (Let it Rain, Dark Skies), dies at 79
1980   Pahlawi Mohammed Reza, shah of Persia (1941-79), dies in Cairo at 60
1981   Billy [William] Wyler, US director (Ben Hur, Funny Girl), dies
1981   Ray Harrison, dancer (American Song), dies at 64
1981   William Wyler, US director (Ben Hur), dies
1982   Dan Seymour, actor (We the People, Sing it Again), dies at 67
1982   Vladimir Smirnov, Russian foil fencer (Olympic-gold-1980), dies at 28
1983   Mufasir-ul-Haq, cricketer (Pakistani left-arm quick 1965), dies
1984   James Mason, British actor (Lolita), dies of a heart attack at 75
1984   Oswald Jacoby, US contract bridge champion, dies at 81
1985   Joseph "Smoky Joe" Wood, pitcher (Boston Red Sox), dies at 95
1986   Leroy Holmes, orch leader (Tonight Show, 1956-57), dies at 72
1987   Travis Jackson, baseball player (NY Giants), dies at 83
1988   Judith Barsi, child actress, shot dead with mother by her father at 11
1990   Bobby Day, rocker (Rockin' Robin), dies of cancer at 58
1990   Elizabeth Allan, actress (Tale of 2 Cities, Camille, Java Head), dies
1990   Kim Thomas-Friedland, news anchor (FNN), dies at 32
1990   Nick Pippins, actor (Simon), dies of AIDS at 35
1991   Carol Gillies, actress (Back Home, Baby Boom), dies at 50
1992   Jenny Karezi, Greek actress (Red Lanterns), dies of cancer at 56
1993   Reggie Lewis, NBA star (Boston Celtics), dies of heart failure at 27
1994   H Minderop, founder/chairman (TROS-radio/TV), dies
1994   Rosa Chacel, Spanish author, dies at 96
1994   Tatiana Tauer, harpist, dies at 48
1995   Charles Hugh Shirley, publisher, dies at 66
1995   Doris Mae Akers, gospel singer/songwriter, dies at 72
1995   Mikl¢s R¢zsa, Hung movie composer (Atomic Cafe, Fedora), dies at 88
1995   Rick Ferrell, Hall of Fame catcher, dies at 89
1996   Beverly Drew, architect, dies at 85
1996   Ivan V Lalic, poet, dies at 65
1996   Jane Beverly Drew, architect, dies at 85
1996   Peter James Frederick Green, CEO (LLoyd's of London), dies at 71
1997   K'Tut Tantri, broadcaster/hotelier, dies at 99

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